My Thesis

Hey everyone! Nicky here πŸ™‚

I apologize for not posting here for weeks now. I have been so caught up in my school work, my personal life, and random other things. But in terms of school, I’ve been really focusing on my thesis. For those of you who don’t already know what my thesis is on, here is a quick synopsis:

My thesis is a series of videos exploring the experiences of individuals immigrating to Canada and their memories of where they’re from. Each individual shares a personal, unique story of why they chose to come to Canada. Through these shared memories of immigration, a conversation can begin with others on their experiences and a better understanding of someone’s personal journey.

Currently, I have created one video at the end of December and am working on the next two now.

Take a look at my first video and let me know what you think!


Merry Christmas!

Hi everyone! Nicky here πŸ™‚

Merry Christmas!Β Here’s a late present from me to you… Raining Cats and Dogs πŸ™‚

See you in 2016!!

Its Raining… Cats and Dogs!

Hey everyone! Nicky here πŸ™‚ For one of my classes, called Animation Illustrated, my assignment is to create a 1-2min animation.Β I have full creative freedom with the piece so I am excited to make something fun and entertaining! To start … Continue reading

2015 Oscar Infographic

Hey everyone! Nicky here πŸ™‚

I love the Oscars!

It is, I think, the only awards show I actually want to watch throughout the whole year. So, to prepare for the show happening February 22nd, I decided to create my own infographic showing the Top 10 most nominated films in the Oscars this year.

Here is the final:

data visual on 2015 oscars rgb-01

Maybe I’ll get an Oscar for the most ambitious information design piece πŸ™‚


Hey everyone! Nicky here πŸ™‚

In my experimental typography class, we were tasked to create an experimental poster using the lyrics from any song of our choosing. For mine, I used the lyrics from Haunted by Beyonce, a song I’ve been constantly listening to for the past few weeks now.

Here is the result:


Visualizing Data

Hey everyone! Nicky here πŸ™‚

I’m taking a course about Wayfinding and Information Design. Our first project is to organize a set of data into an interesting and understandable way. Here is what I created so far:

Data visual rgb-01

Kinetic Typography

Hey everyone! Nicky here
Check out my kinetic typography video I’m working on currently for Advanced Typography! More to come when it’s finished

Cooking Mama: The board game

Hey everyone!
I know I haven’t posted anything recently and feel quite horrible about it. Classes have been so so busy and projects are piling up…

BUT here is something that I’ve finally finished!

I am so pleased with the outcome of this project for my Game Design class! I worked with 3 amazing girls to create an analogue game from an original digital game. So, with lots of thought, we decided to take the Nintendo game Cooking Mama and make a board game around that!

I plan on taking more professional pictures of the game for my portfolio, but here’s the final product:

Cooking mama images

And there you have it πŸ™‚